Sunday, May 8, 2011

Spending Spree

Well, it finally happened. I signed up to take a class this summer. I am going to start scaling Prerequisite Mountain. Abnormal Psychology will be the first one to get marked "done" on the prereq list. Whoo-hoo!

Of course, mountain climbing ain't free. Yesterday, I paid a whopping tuition bill. It was a four-digit bill for one three-credit class. Each minute that I spend in the classroom is costing me fifty-one cents.

Fifty-one cents a minute, people. I'm not making that up. It's enough to make you cry in your beer.

On a less depressing note, I realized that as a newly enrolled student, I need supplies! Here are the results of my insane shopping spree:

First, I got a really cute backpack at TJ Maxx. I also got The Out-of-Synch Child because it was recommended to me (more on that in another post), and I got The Sensory-Sensitive Child because the author of The Out-of-Synch Child recommended it. And even though I won't be taking Anatomy until at least next spring, it's never too early to start learning the material. A coloring book is nice and interactive. Here's a sample page. The little round bubbles next to each description are for you to mark the color that you're using to color in the corresponding muscle in the diagram.

The little cylindrical tin you see in the first picture contains these:

I can't wait to start using them on the diagrams in my Anatomy book. I have never been so excited about a set of colored pencils in all my life!

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